Monday 3 September 2012


                          Higgs Boson  (GOD) Particle

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    On july4,2012 Scientists finally locked onto Higgs boson, the 'God particle' a discovery  that crowns The global scientific community's most challenging and comprehensive quest for the subatomic particle rightly regarded as "the key to the cosmic riddle. Scientists at CERN  (european organization for nuclear research.) Geneva, announced the discovery on july4, in the presence of a tearful peter Higgs and many other scientists. the break through has been described as the biggest leap in physics. 

What is a Higgs boson ?

It enables particles in atoms to help invest them with mass, The basic building blocks of the  universe, 
which include everything from the lowliest of micro- organisms, through soil, water, minerals, plants, trees, insects, animals and mountains  to the most complex life forms including humans, even entire planets and galaxies.
Higgs boson is named after peter Higgs, and Satyendra Nath  Bose,
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The discovery can been likened  that of the electron, a subatomic particle, the idler first being floated in 1838, but its presence was confirmed only after 60 years.  central to the discovery is the large hadron collider (LHC) the world's  largest and most powerful particle accelerator, housed in a massive 27 km circular tunnel some 175 meters underground near Geneva. It was built by cern from 1998 to 2008.the LHC smashes beams of sub-atomic particles such as protons virtually at the speed of light, recreating conditions that existed for a billionth of a second after the big bang, heralding the birth of the universe, Scientists say the missing cornerstone of physics has been discovered with the identification of a subatomic particle called the Higgs boson which could help explain why all matter has mass.

source : CERN 

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